Thursday, July 7, 2022

America The Beautiful


                       O beautiful for spacious skies,
                                    For amber waves of grain,
                                   For purple mountain majesties
                                       Above the fruited plain!
                                          America! America!
                                  God shed His grace on thee,
                             And crown thy good with brotherhood
                                     From sea to shining sea....


 I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful and safe 4th of July. Our family has had so much going on this past year that our festivities didnt take us anywhere except to our own back porch.  Here are but a few random Patriotic decorations I put out this year, to help get us all in the Spiriting Mood and festivities.

                                       Our Hall Bathroom: I enjoyed how the small Pitcher

                                                                   and Star Fish, gave the 

                                                                reality of Sea to Shining Sea theme.

                                               Even the Hutch helped boost in the Spirit of Things.


                                        I decorate this little tree year round for the Seasons and Traditions. 

              Then it was time for the Light Show: Our little Town here in Southern Oklahoma, tries really hard to put on a great show.. everything about it is privately funded by those of us who are able to donate. No matter how big or small the donation is, it goes towards bringing FUN to EVERYONE.

                 This year we just walked up the hill and watched it from our Barn, and when the Town was done, my eldest son lit what he had left over from years past. Baby G enjoyed it so much she asked me the next morning if we were watching Fireworks again, to which I replied.. "Yep, Next Year." 


                 So as we all went about celebrating the greatest breakup ever in History, thanks to our Founding Fathers.. I also want to take this moment to remind everyone the wise words of the late and great President Abraham Lincoln and President Ronald Reagan
. His words are very fitting for today and the unfortunate state of our Country in the present, and what will be our demise if we dont start Repenting, and Turning this Nation back to a TRUE NATION UNDER GOD..(the God of Abraham, Issac and David).


 I pray for the peace of this nation and the peoples that are in it, I pray that each of our hearts will be softened to the LoRds will on how we should be conducting ourselves unto one another, and that our Leaders no matter the political party will be mindful of every citizens that they have been privileged to govern over. I pray for a return to the Old Ways.. so that our Nation can Prosper for my Children's Children and many more Generations to come.

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