Oh Boy has it been a HOT minute since I last posted.. Wow Wow Wow.. 16 months have passed since I last made an entry,and in those 16 months alot has continued to happen in our family as shared from past entries .. Good, Bad and very Straight Up Ugly.. and truth be told, it has taken its toll on me, but because I dont want this first post back a gloom and doom one... I will wait to share maybe for another time... Because right now we are 4 days away from CHRISTMAS !!!
I am as ready as I am ever going to be..
This year, instead of going all out crazy with the decorating, and doing all the things... I am dialing it back again.. about a notch or two, maybe even three ☻and focusing on the simplicity of slowing it down.
One thing that I did say YES to was participating in our small congregation's Christmas Cantata n Nativity.. I am so glad I did.. My little ones got to dress up and be apart of something special.
Normally, Once December hits, its Hot Drinking Time for me, and I get the Hot Cocoa Bar done up, with all the cute mugs, mixes and fixens.Not this year.. I only managed to set out but a couple cute mugs and those mugs were ones I had only been recently gifted by our Ladies Ministry..lol.. I didnt even have to dig through the Christmas Tubs.. So I guess thats a Win.. ha ha

But we got it up