Monday, March 21, 2022

My Little Curly Q's

In a blog that has since been unrecoverable, I had a post on the curly q's of our Baby G and how cute they were a top of her then little head. Today I am typing on the fact that we dont just have 1 child with swirls of sweetness, but TWO kiddos with curls!

But I will back it up to the best of my ability on what I do remember regarding Baby G's hair raising post.

When Baby G was born she had a light downy of hair coloured in red, and upon further inspection you would see swirls. Those swirls eventually grew into curls once her hair finally began to come in and cover her round little cherub head. 


 Its been a learning curve on how to keep them swirly do's ... well swirly! They frizz so easily when she sleeps on them and often times wakes up looking like Albert Einstein... Hair all wild and in a mess. I continue to learn the proper caring and "feeding" if you will of curly hair, for instance I dont wash her hair but now 2 times a week and I make sure I am using gentle baby shampoo.. and when I dry her hair after Tub Tub Time as we say in our household..I make sure to gently squeeze with the towel and not jostle the hair, then I apply coconut oil to her scalp and ends.. especially since we have hard well water and it makes our hair and skin a little more susceptible to drying out. So far its been helping.

 So having one child on the homestead with cute ringlets of curls, just wasnt enough.. Nope the LoRd would have it, that we needed 2 babies with swirly do's! Thats right when my husband and I had our second together, little did we know when Tater Tots hair would actually grow in to notice a difference, he too would have them same little curly q's as his sister. 

The same hair care rules apply to him, wash maybe twice a week, gentle squeeze drying and lather the coconut oil to preserve those strawberry blonde locks of his.

As I look at how much my two youngest stand out with their curls, I think on the fact how interesting genetics really is. I mean you have here two adult parents with straight hair, My husbands is brownish with red in his beard ect, I on the other hand, growing up had very strawberry blonde hair and as I have grown older it has become more of a darker red, would think maybe our children would have straight hair.. and either one of our hair colourings. But if you go outside our little molecule family you will see that really, Greg and I are the Odd ones of our individual respective families. Gregs brother and a majority of his family are curly, my side is the same as well. So it was really just a guesstimate that our kids had a 70% chance of having Curly or wavy hair than lets say a 30% straight, since curly/wavy runs dominate in the family genes. Hair colour could have been the same.. but I like to think that the LoRd answered a prayer when I prayed for (at least when I was pregnant with Baby G) one little red head, with big beautiful eyes.. And he granted me that.. and it appears Double Blessed.. For I have TWO strawberry blondes with big beautiful blue eyes. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Irish Blessings

  Top of the Mornin' to ya'll

 Did you bounce out of bed and dance a little jig like a leprechaun to get your morning going?

  Or did you like me, slide out of bed and hit the coffee pot? 

Regardless  Its a beautiful day to wake up and be Irish, or even pretend you are!

So you better make sure you are wearing GREEN, as not to get pinched. 

  So tell the Truth, How Irish are you?

a teaspoon? A tablespoon, half cup or more? 

I cant say I am fully from Ireland, I also have British and Scandinavian blood in me. 

Regardless of the amount of your green veins, isnt it fun to enjoy the day and partake in the festivities it brings?

  For me, I make the modern typical Irish Supper.. Corned Beef and Cabbage... Mmmm

and when my older two children were much younger, we would watch the Veggie Tales Story on how Saint Patrick's Day came to be..

Now obviously through the centuries and years..and somewhere lost in translations.. we traded the Truth for a bit of folklore and fantasy, and its how we now ended up with a day of drunkenness, and shenanigans with pots of gold promised at the end of a rainbow.. 


 BUT ...Like did you know Saint Patrick.. he was not Irish at all?! He was actually British who had been taken captive by Irish Pirates and brought to Ireland to be a slave..sometime in the years since being captured he was able to escape and return to his beloved home country. While back in Britain he came to know the LoRd more strongly, and during his time of growing in his Faith, he felt the LoRd beckon on his heart to forgive the people who had taken him captive and return to them and preach the Good News and teach them Forgiveness. So he listened, returned to Ireland.. and became a missionary. 

       Which is pretty neat in my book.. What do you think?

Well my friends from across the fence, my little Lassie and Laddie are awake and I must once again tend to my homestead. I shall leave you with this Irish Blessing.