You know the saying, when it rains it pours?!Well its not just some cute slogan for a salt company.. Its a real life humdinger!
Just as we are coming down the roller coaster ride with one, we find our selves going back up the tracks with the other, and let me tell you.. Seems every month we are dealing with something or other and the antics seem to be getting more and more as the years come and go.
Let me see if I can discreetly describe whats happening with out going into too much personal detail.
* Snarkisms, Late nights, Shoulder Checks, Stealing Someones Personal Information, Your Not My Real Parent kind of attitudes.
If I am being very real and honest here, its this kinda of S**t day in and day out that makes you question if you did the right thing.... because where is the protection and support for the folks who are on the receiving end of "abuse" by the very ones they promised to protect.