Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I Still Do, TWO



 Two Years ago today, I married someone who truly makes the sentiment of "I married my best friend" very real.

 Its hard to imagine that it really has only been two years since we said "I Do". 

Our wedding was to have taken place at the church we attended together, but I became very ill and our nuptials were then made a last min effort inside the cute chapel of the county hospital. Surrounded by our few closest friends and family, we vowed to one another our love and devotion. For me personally as a former divorcee' with children.. I solemnly promised my heart to not just Greg but doing it right and faithfully unto GOD this time around. I had in this lifetime never felt more of a connection with a human man as I had with the one who was to become my Bel♥ved at that moment. 

In the 2 years since he took my hand in his, we have experienced the joys of becoming owners of a ole homestead, welcomed our son into the mix and saw the blessings of his hard work in the means of a pay raise with his job. We have also experienced the hardships of life together.. We suffered the loss of a unborn child, experienced a few concerning events with my adoptive boys, and like yall continue to try and navigate ourselves during this time of Covid and all its crazy it brings. 

Through everything good or bad, Greg still gets me, he makes me laugh in ways I never thought I could chuckle at. Seeing him and how he interacts with our children just continually blows my mind... and I love the way he just L♥ves me all together. 

This past weekend, we rented a excavator to dig out some of the dirt for a future pond as well as a area for the trampoline to go "in ground". That man of mine who had just spent the past week working full time for his physically demanding job, spent another 11 hours on the weekend digging. I know he would have preferred to be doing other things like resting from his long work load.. but he didnt, instead he chose to be helping me create the the reality of our vision for our homestead. Its the  moments like this that remind me how blessed this married life with Greg really is... ♥♥

 1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Let all that you do be done in love.





Friday, November 5, 2021

Welcome, Again and Again.. and Well Once More Again


First off allow me to say HOWDY !, and if your a fellow blogging friend that has followed me all over the world wide web all these years and many blogs later.. Thank You for being a faithful stalker/friend. Your friendship has meant alot to me.. and I appreciate you. Those of you who are new to me and my crazy personality allow me to introduce myself.. My name is Jeannie and   I am not even going to count the many blogs and handles I have held over the past 15+ years since I first took the plunge to blog.. which happened to be on the then very active  homeschool/homesteadblogger platforms. At the time I was a 29 year old military wife and Stay at Home Momma of 2 kiddos who was getting my feet wet for the first time as a home schooling parent and I found Homeschool blogger as a great place of information, inspiration and friendship. To this day I still have those few online friendships, and have been blessed all these years by them...

In the years since I have started blogging I have gone through many different seasons of life..  and I am not talking about the "Change" us women go through(at least not yet for me).. Nope I am talking about life lessons, Love Lessons, and Soul Changes. From being a young mom of 2 and married to my high school sweet tart and spending the next 20+ years as a military family, Then subsequently a divorcee raising more kids (via adoption) to being a remarried woman with babies again. Life has been well life... but through it all my faith (though at times I may stumble off the path) and belief in our Creator has been the ONE CONSTANT.. I am grateful for Jesus and for everything the LoRd has done for me.

Now with all that said, allow me to explain my reasoning for blogging.... again this time around and what my hope this place will be for me.

You see long before I was personally blogging, I would follow other people who had the guts to write about their lives or loves publicly. I enjoyed such bloggers like the Pioneer Woman or the Nester, to even A Bowl Full Of Lemons...long before they became who they are now on the Online Media Circuit... I enjoyed the likes of  those whose passions of life for farming, homesteading, homemaking or homeschooling could resonate with me and what was deep in my heart of dreams. I got inspired, encouraged and even down right at times a little envious of their notoriety(hey being honest here) . So blogging became a outlet for me.. and after many changes in blogs, profile names, platforms and plenty of social media breaks in between, I have decided that I not only wanted to come back to blogging again but come back with a new attitude towards it.. No longer am I going to set myself to a certain few labels.. or reservations..I am like many of you, a flavor made up by different kinds of spices... dependent on the day, the time and season of life. So thus my blog here will reflect those many different kinds of tastes.. and I hope in return you will come to like my blog and all its imperfect pictures and posts.. Thank You..  AND......