Hip Hip Hooray for 2025
Boy do I l♥ve the start of a New Year..
A Fresh Start to New Hopes, Dreams and all the In between.

Celebrated Christmas this year with 3 of my 6 Children.
Of course some dont have a choice..
ha ha ☺they are 5 & 3.
My eldest son lives in a town over, so it is but a few min away.
My eldest daughter & her little family live in NY
At the beginning of 2024 the Eldest Kiddo whom I adopted, turned of age and returned back to NY to his H♥me family. Which we knew would happen and always supported that decision for him, we continue to wish him well. The youngest of the two I adopted, has not been in the home due to reasons I wont share.. and therefor he is currently away and in a place to help him with his ongoing struggles. I do talk with him on a almost weekly basis, and do visit at least 1 a month. We continue to hope for him where he is at.
But now that 2024 and all its respective troubles, tantrums and shenanigans are over.. its time to sit down and write out all the Hopes & Dreams that 2025 Can Bring. If anything these past several years have taught me, it is.. Change is inevitable at times.. but dont let the change be from a result of being or feeling jaded about life..due to the choices of others.
Make the most of everyday.
Redeem the time for it is fleeting.
Live each moment with purpose..
With the LoRds Blessings, That is what I intend to do for my 2025 year.
Take back what the enemy stole.
I desire nothing more than to return back to my first love, to My loving Father, who has been nothing but constant even when I have not been.. Everything about the past several years has been very very challenging.. My faith in the LoRd never caused me to doubt.. I just at times wanted to take hold of the reins and lead the charge.. I know that is not HIS WAY..
1: Take on the Challenge to read the Scriptures once again Front To Back( I have not done this in many years now)
2: Be Intentional when I promise someone I will pray for them or a need
3: Work on shunning gossip I may directly or indirectly find myself partaking in.
Return to The Simple & Humble Beginnings Of What Made Our Little Family So Special by Remembering Always, That This Time with Little Ones is fleeting..
1: Have a Better Understanding between Home Maker and Home Keeper and implement the better half of that!
2: Celebrate more of the Little Stuff
3: Saying Yes to More Intentional Playing With My Kids
1: Dave Ramsey Baby Steps
2: Make it a more mindful spending year..
I know some folks are taking on a No Spend 2025 Challenge and only purchasing the bare necessities but that doesnt seem realistic for us at this time.. Our Spending Challenge is mainly going to be spending with Purpose than on whim and later regret.
3: Being better mindful to making sure I/We dont chase $ like its a idol
This sums up my Fitness Goals For the Year..
Got any New Year New You Type Mantras Happening For Yourself This 2025 Year?
Care To Share?